File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 864

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:47:23 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: Anarchy Magazine and Violence

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, ben blumson wrote:

> > Actually, chuck0, I am really on the verge of unsubbing
> That would be a huge loss im sure.

Not for me it wouldn't.   There's a pet store about a mile from my house.
If I want to communicate with parrots I can go there.

> I agree with you that it does not make sense to blame all americans
> for bombing Japan or slavery or whatever. Those things clearly have
> little to do with people today. But kosovo is something that is
> happening now and that is probably a stupid thing to do. Its fairly
> clear who are to blame or at least who has the power to stop it
> (clinton, blair and others). Though whats happened in the past is
> probably no fault of ours, we have a small amount of power over whats
> going on in kosovo. 

Not really.  If you/we had any "power" over events there the ethnic
cleansing would stop.  You and I both know that your statement should
read: "We +may+ have a little power as far as living in liberal
democracies goes, towards affecting the policies of the liberal
democracies.  We have ZERO power to influence the fascist war criminals
who have now displaced 1.2 million Albanian ethnics.  Therefore, being
powerless to confront the true fascists, well, let's simply do something
like attack the liberal democracies."

This argument is really a pathetic attempt to come up with an acceptable
"leftist" position. 

> Though I know we have many other things on our
> mind expressing our disgust over NATO's handling of the situation
> would do a little torwards stopping it. Saying you support it won't.

Ah, if you re-read what I've written I've always advocated doing
something.  NATO's bombing has always been a lesser choice.  I have
strongly advocated intervention by the people closest (europeans) to the
scene.  I don't give a crapola if the "intervention" involves armed force
or not.  Personally I think this would be a wonderful opportunity for all
of the "leftist" pacifists to walk right into Kosovo and sit right down
and see if that phony technique wirks when you confront a real butcher.

And for what it's wirth, I'm willing to sacrifice every pacifist in europe
just to see me proved worng.



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