File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 874

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 14:57:05 -0400
From: Chuck Munson <>
Subject: Re: Anarchy Magazine and Violence

danceswithcarp wrote:

> Yes, we have discussed these things ad naseum whilst you were away.
> However, I'm still torn over whether it was the U$ showing its mettle or
> Blair and Schroeder and that Frog guy that picked the fight for the U$.
> Albright is nuts, but Blair and Schroeder and the French really pushed
> this issue.  The Grrrmans and Frogs for the cause of the EU, and Blair for
> both domestic reasons and basically he's as immature as Clinton.

That's possible, which would mean that basically we have a bunch of
toadies beating up the wimps for the big bully.

> Yeah, you noticed all of the radical/lib serbs understood that civil
> disobedience would get themselves killed for no good reason when Milosevic
> cut loose.  Funny how none of the other liberal Ghandi/MLK disciples
> around the wirld have taken note of the pragmatic run for cover.

Sure, you've convinced me long ago about the necessity to have a few
guns stockpiled.

I've been reading the *Philosophy of Punk* and today was reading about
pacifism. They claim that punks have nuanced view of pacifism that
mainstream depictions of pacifism gets wrong. The book says that many
pacifists see the need to fight back if they are attacked. It mentions
that Crass and Chumbawamba shifted their positions after being attacked
by cops and Nazis.



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