File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 885

From: "Steve Paschke" <>
Subject: The Draft
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 20:36:37 -0400

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

    Unless I miss my guess, the draft in this country (I am from the U$A) is reserved only for when Congress actually declares war On another country, or when the United States is under a military state of emergency.  Now, we haven't declared war on a single country since W.W.II.  I'm not that worries about having to be drafted over a declared war.  Especially when ground (infantry) warfare is almost obsolete for the U$ military, and the Kosovo issue is in mind proof of this.  Why risk our own people when we can just sit back and fire rockets at little impoverished nations and reduce the populations of said nations to composite atoms. 
    And if you are really worried about the United $tates having to draft you in the instance of a national emergency, I would suggest you look at the competition.  The only military strategy any enemies have in aggravating the U$ would be terrorism or outright missile attacks.  We know when little Cessna airplanes take off almost before the pilot turns the damn thing on, so I wouldn't fret over any kind of military emergency on U$ soil.
    Speaking of the military, I recall an article about their enrollment being so depressingly low that they are resorting to targeting high school drop-outs.  Just what we need: a bunch of kids who are ignorant as all hell by their own choice (speaking at least of the poor saps I know) who are going to become trained killers and given big firearms.

Steven Paschke

"To laugh means: to be malicious but with a good conscience."  -Friedrich Nietzsche


    Unless I miss my guess, the draft in this country (I am from the U$A) is reserved only for when Congress actually declares war On another country, or when the United States is under a military state of emergency.  Now, we haven't declared war on a single country since W.W.II.  I'm not that worries about having to be drafted over a declared war.  Especially when ground (infantry) warfare is almost obsolete for the U$ military, and the Kosovo issue is in mind proof of this.  Why risk our own people when we can just sit back and fire rockets at little impoverished nations and reduce the populations of said nations to composite atoms. 
    And if you are really worried about the United $tates having to draft you in the instance of a national emergency, I would suggest you look at the competition.  The only military strategy any enemies have in aggravating the U$ would be terrorism or outright missile attacks.  We know when little Cessna airplanes take off almost before the pilot turns the damn thing on, so I wouldn't fret over any kind of military emergency on U$ soil.
    Speaking of the military, I recall an article about their enrollment being so depressingly low that they are resorting to targeting high school drop-outs.  Just what we need: a bunch of kids who are ignorant as all hell by their own choice (speaking at least of the poor saps I know) who are going to become trained killers and given big firearms.
Steven Paschke
"To laugh means: to be malicious but with a good conscience."  -Friedrich Nietzsche

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