File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 89

Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 01:42:07 -0600
From: Sandi & Scott Spaeth <>
Subject: Re: hope or not...

At 09:03 hyysifp 4/2/99 -0500, Unka Bart wrote:
>Scott Spaeth noted:
  In this current revolution, the forces of the
>dark side are focusing on what is happening *today*, yet the rate of change
>is so high that by the time they solve today's problem (to them), the world
>has gone on to a newer, more powerful means of connection.
>Djinns just simply cannot be stuffed back into their bottles...

I hope your right.  The internet has allowed me to go from a very egoistic
anarchism to a start towards a broader world view in just a few years, a
step I'm not sure I would have made for another 10 years if ever without
it.  I see what it's done to change my perceptions about who and what is
out there, and it just seems amazingly dangerous to the powers that be.

Hard Luck S.C.
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