File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 891

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 00:29:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Shawn P. Wilbur" <>
Subject: Re: Send money to anarchists

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Chuck0 wrote:

> One of the big things hampering the growth of the anarchist movement is
> our lack of finances. While we can scam lots of things, we can't scam
> things like postage and computer hardware. I challenge the anarchists
> out there to start putting your money where your mouth is. 
> Here is the fundraising page that I've put together. Projects and
> publications will be rotated quarterly.
This looks like a good start, Chuck. Hopefully, i'll get Pauper's stable
soon enough that i won't have to beg you for a spot on next quarter's
list. ;) 

But i'm wondering if we can't - or can't also - start to develop support
structures more stable than piecemeal gifts (to supplement our usual
arsenal of bake sales and benefit shows). Seems like it wasn't too long
ago, half the radicals i knew were reading Michael Albert's "Looking
Forward" and talking loud about economic alternatives, but where are the
anarchist "banks" or revolving loan funds? All the "cooperatives" in my
area are almost completely apolitical - largely driven by the lifestyle
needs of the already well-to-do. My long-delayed (for lack-of-$$$)
pamphlet reprint series on the history of co-operation is (finally) about
to get rolling (as a "just-in-time" DTP production), spurred largely by
the frustrations of antiauthoritarian friends who work (as wage slaves) in
a local consumer co-op, and can't even seem to find decent information on
what that ought to mean. (I'll post information on the first title,
including series subscription info and extext locations, as soon as the
details are finalized.) 

I'm really interested in organizing my labor and consumer activity outside
and against the mainstreams of neolib capitalism as much as possible, but
it's hard to get a pulse from folks when you start talking about that sort
of resistance. I suspect relatively tame organizations like Co-op America
probably have stuff going that anarchists could learn from and adapt. 

Anybody out there interested in talking about building some economic
infrastructure for anarchist projects? 


> -- 
> Chuck0
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> Mid-Atlantic Infoshop
> Spunk Library
> "All the anarchy you'll ever need, organized neatly 
> and with reassuring authority."
>   -- 1998 Rough Guide to the Internet
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+> 


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