File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 912

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 21:55:17 -0400
From: Mike Bridge <>
Subject: Re: going to war and the coming draft

Just dont tell them how old you are. They havenot got me yet.


Robert Dean wrote:
> I am wondering how many of you on this list are from the USoA?  I am, and I am not going along well with debate of declaring war on Yugoslavia by Congress.  It is the first step toward an extended war, a war in which my government isn't willing to use ground troops to end it.  Rather they wish to bomb the shit out of Serbia, no matter if they kill civilians or not, the media is making all Serbs out to be Nazis, do not like it at all.
> There is another reason I am adament about such debate in Congress on such a topic - the draft, they need only say the word and little boys go off to war (except theirs of course) to die.  I will turn 18 (yes I'm 17) in December of 99, so I will have to get my Selective Service Card...I would not be surprised if the war is still going then.
> I would want to resist.  I would want to follow in the footsteps of the great resistors of the 1960s and burn my draft card...but wouldn't I need a big group to do that with, and are there people still around like that today.  I would sign up to be a consciencous objector, but I doubt I would be accepted, that is why I would take radical action. The government has no right to play with our lives.  If the draft if with women as well, I hope Chealsea Clinton is in the registry the computer in the Pentagon will pick from.
> Seeing as a country the size of the USoA would probably do a draft, wouldn't the UK do it as well, or expand a current military draft system, screwing over a generation of young men and women?  Maybe your prime minister will see the light and pull out before it is too late, from my standpoint he is the best prime minister you guys have ever had..he could do something about this and make an indelible mark on history.  Well.
> And finally, after I my rantings, I must ask, is that thing about the entire American West Coast being shut down by longshoremen for real?  If it is they are most assuredly supported by me...
> Max Dean
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If we go to school to learn, and learning is knowledge, and knowledge is
power, and 
power is corrupt, and corruption is crime, and crime doesn't pay, then
why the fuck do 
we go to school?


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