File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 913

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 22:46:29 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: Welcome to Machine (a.k.a. United News PLC)

On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Sean Gallagher wrote:

> Suffer, the poor petty bourgoise . . .
> Anyway, I've got 25 days before the
> transaction goes through. Maybe the
> revolution'll come before then.

Seriously.  Erin has 4 more years of public schooling and she'll be off to
college, Levi 2 more, but the higher-heiger-education is a bit more touch
and go for him; loves school the lad does, hates wirk (WIRK?) if you get
my drift.   

Anyways, now that I am old and finally have a piece of paper that's
transportable--a teaching license--Pat and I are trying to figure out what
to do for the 15 odd years before social security kicks in.  Like you,
the 800 sheckles wouldn't make a dent in the Sears bill, let alone the
other ones like the student loans.  In 5 years our mobile home will be
paid off; no real equity, but a definite asset.

Right now it looks like Leaving The Money Mess Behind is the best option.
We want to go somewhere where it's warm, and they don't have debtors
court.   I just can't figure out whether to do it through an agency in
order to get started (know a guy who did 2 years in St. Lucia for the
Peace Corps and is now on his own there teaching in a village school.  Not
much money, but not much money is needed and the pressures are low.

Other places are the reservations for Indian Schools; lots of money, lots
of negative vibes, alcoholic violence, and cultural differences.  
American Samoa and Guam (lots of poison brown snakes at the latter; maybe
best left to the Crocodile Hunter), both outposts of colonialism where the
teaching jobs are U$ gov't or churches.  Shoot, one church offered me a
teaching job on samoa before I even got my degree, but the kids aren't
interested, plus samoa is literally covered in tin cans and alcoholics.
The U$ has tuly wrecked that place.

Anyways, my advice is to get transportable and flee this land.  What we
collectively do here isn't even an irritant on the hide of capital.
Maybe somewhere there's something can do to do to make a difference.

And get a fullbody tan in the process.



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