File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 92

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 13:52:39 GMT
Subject: Do it yourself

Carpo wrote

>ps:  Does anyone know if Beta-blockers cause a drop in libido?

Is that what's causing it ?
If it is, should I opt for a short
life but a merry one ?

Brian commented

>Hey, did the doctor specify that another person has to be included 
>in the sex?  If not, then there's a discovery I made at the age 
>of 11 that just might save your life.....

I remember reading somewhere that some medical school
or university had done extended research into the sex-for-one
habits of the male population. They interviewed tens of thousands 
of men of all different ages and backgrounds. Their conclusion
was that one hundred percent of men masturbate. Well, to be
precise, their conclusion was that one hundred percent of sexually
active males masturbate. By "sexually active" is meant "not
including those who can't, and not including those in a monastery 
who are actually keeping to their vow of celibacy, and not including 
those who are either too young or too old, but including everybody 
else". They concluded that even happily married men do if they
are temporarily seperated from their wives for just a few days.
So I think we can assume Carpo has made the same discovery
as Brian and everybody else.

I'm not sure what the figures would be for the female population,
but my guess is that there wouldn't be a huge difference.

Happily, I will be seeing Keri in a couple of weeks.



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