File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 93

Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 15:07:42 +0200
From: vpoppel <>
Subject: Re: the great "Gas Out"

At 23:06 2-4-99 -0500, Ayesha wrote:
>	a friend of mine sent this to me    i thought it would be interesting
>to do it..  kind of like buy nothing day on nov. 26th.  thought you guys
>might find it interesting.

What's your goal with this cheap gasoline business? I sure it's got nothing
to do
with a protest against the increasing consuming society (is this english...
as buy-nothing-day _did_.
Hell no! You just wanna consume m=F3re for a lower price.

> It's time we did something about the price of gasoline in America!  We are
>all sickand tired of high prices when there are literally millions of
>in storage.  Know what I found out?  If there was just ONE day when no one
>purchased any gasoline, prices would drop drastically. The so-called oil
>cartel has decided to  slow production by some 2 million barrels per day to
>drive up the price.  I have decided  t see how many Americans we can get to
>NOT BUY ANY GASOLINE on one particular day!  Let's have a GAS OUT!

Yeah, gas out! Let me breath.

>Do not
>buy any  gasoline on APRIL 30, 1999!!!!!  Buy on Thursday before, or
>after. Do not buy any gasoline on FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1999. Wanna help?  Send
>this message to everyone you know.  Ask them to do the same. All we need
is a
>few million to participate in order
> to make a difference.  Let me know how many will send out. We CAN make a

Let's not buy gasoline _at all_ anymore. Maybe they'll give it away, so we
can BURN stuff.
huh... huh... uh... cool... uhuhu.....


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