File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 96

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 15:05:14 GMT
Subject: Re: The Anarchist Attitude To War

Erik wrote

> Most people are law abiding

I agree, that is a problem.

>I think it's too easy for us to say afterwards 
>what should and could be done then. 

Yes, I agree, hindsight is a luxury.

>Point is concentration camps were build during 
>the bosnian war in our time, we saw it on tv 
>and still we didn't really act.

Well, I think there is a difference between "seeing"
something which the BBC (or whoever) tells us
is happening thousands of miles away, and "seeing" 
it with your own eyes (which many people in Nazi 
Germany did). Also, people in Nazi Germany were
seeing something which was being done in  _their_
name by  _their_  government. It wasn't the British
government which was putting people into camps
in Bosnia, but it  _is_  the British government and 
its NATO allies which is bombing Yugoslavia. So
I do have to oppose that. Even if what we see on television 
is true, there is still the question of exactly what you 
do about it. And there is still the question whether 
or not what is happening in Yugoslavia is sufficiently 
worse than what is happening in central africa, kurdistan, 
etc., to justify putting all your efforts into that one thing. 



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