File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9907, message 230

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 17:32:06 GMT
Subject: Re: Questions

I have just received a message from another person
who had apparently intended to write to the anarchy-list
but mistakenly sent the message to me personally.

Frosty writes

>In a message dated 7/9/99 10:11:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> writes:

No, Frosty, you've got that wrong, d.y.coull didn't write
the offending message, d.y.coull  _received_  the offending
message and subsequently quoted it.

>jesus christ. no wonder why the public hates anarchy... 

Well I'm not sure what Jesus has to do with it, but
I agree that the message in question is particularly
stupid and offensive.

>fuck-heads like this talking with ruthless violence. 

Well, anarchists can and do disagree on the question
of violence. Some are pretty much pacifists, while others
have often taken the view that violence may sometimes 
be necessary, although always regrettable. A means 
to an end, and the end has to be worth it, and the degree 
of violence has to be justifiable. No anarchist would  
think it possible to bring about a free, stateless society 
by using nuclear weapons, for example. The problem 
is that the idiot who wrote this offending piece, whose 
name is apparently Daniel (definitely  _not_  d.y.coull) 
simply doesn't have a clue what anarchy is about.
He only knows about anarchy from listening 
to the state's propoganda machine. The state's
propoganda machine has told him that anarchy
means mindless violence for its own sake,
and this idiot has apparently believed the state
propoganda machine and decided that he 
is in favour of this totally ridiculous concept.



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