File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9907, message 501

From: "benabc -AT-" <>
Subject: Re: Peltier's Health Condition Detriorating
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 19:20:36 MDT

>On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Chuck0 wrote:

>Everytime I think of Mumia or Peltier I see horrible visons of those guys
>who were in the supermax while I wirked there.  80-90% of them are still
>in it while I have been walking in the sun for over a year.  So much has
>changed for me and absolutely not one thing has changed for any of them
>unless they had a relative die or got a divorce which is only a change for
>the negative.

Yeah.  I have a friend in Edmonton doing time for distribution of rock.  He 
got sent down about six months back for a good stint.  He was a  really nice 
guy, I'd only known him for a year or two.  Wouldn't hurt a fly.  And he 
goes down for something he did eight years ago, when he was 19yrs old.

Something I never really understood when I lived in Europe, was the 
selectively blinkered individualism that occurs in the west of North 
America.  The feeling that any given situation you find yourself in, is your 
fault, and you fault only, and that instead of complaining about it, or 
trying to change it, you just have to shut up, quit whining and deal with 
it.  I guess in essence, "people knew these things were illegal when they 
did them, but they did them knowing that, and the consequences are their 

I have no problem with individual responsibility.  But the individual's 
responsible in that situation are also the people who took my friend away 
from his fiance and his little shanty house downtown, and put him in a cage. 
  It's also the people who continue to let that go on, i.e. us.  And we 
honestly wonder why there are so many repeat offences.  I know if I was 
lying in prison night after night, year after year, all I'd be thinking 
about is getting out and giving the boot to the supposedly civilised society 
that put me there.

With regards to the death penalty, in some cases I like it.  The world has 
some truly evil people, who are not mentally ill, who like to prey on the 
weak.  It's a side we all have in us, and one most of us choose to restrain. 
  And a lot of the fuckers who rape kids, batter babies, etc. etc. I can see 
die quite happily.  i just don't trust the judicial system to put together 
the right man and the right bullet, you know what I mean?

Anyways, enough prosletysing (sp?). Congrats to Dave and Keri.

>Damn, now I'll be depressed for the whole day.

Nah.  have a drink.

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