File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9907, message 836

Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 17:56:16 EDT
Subject: Re:  Re: Rape at Woodstock '99

In a message dated 7/30/99 3:14:23 PM, wrote:

<<What is really stupid about all this Woodstock talk is that there should
be anything special deriving from the name WOODSTOCK! It is precisely to
the extent that people trivialize the original Woodstock that they set
themselves up for disappointment as the goons from generations
A,B,C,....X play out their normal (for them)
uncivilized behavior but are otherwise expected to live up to something
that is clearly not "in them." The kids today, I would say, are
pathologically cynical. It is all negative energy. It is destructive
energy, not constructive. And there is precious little respect for what
is good in the past, be it music, literature,
philosophy, etc.

You sit around wasting your time saying "it is a shame" that the
inevitable happened...


The hippie generation was a waste of energy and the majority of them 
completly sold out.  There was nothing "real" about the 60s. It was another 
trend that died out , and a drug induced culture that never made any real 
differnce. Oh and at the orginal Woodstock , 3 people died. I heard one man 
with a medical condition died in 99 but all the newspapers ive read say 


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