File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9912, message 217

From: "Dennis Soper" <>
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999 22:14:10 -0800
Subject: Re: Even the famous leftists are impressed

On 3 Dec 99, at 11:12, Chuck0 wrote:

> The NationRadio team is thinking of organizing a fundraiser to 
> provide a travel budget for the Eugene Anarchists. Dennis, you know 
> these folks?

I know a coupla folx and have met others casually....  I've been so 
busy the last 3 years with work and school and such that I haven't 
had time to be involved in much of anything.  I just got done with 
the last of the Y2K stuff at work yesterday and I might have some 
more time, unless Cisco school eats it all up.

Anyway, the folx I've met seem to be real erudite and dedicated.  
There's also a lot of sympathy in town, especially since they've 
been fighting neighborhood gentrification and the cops.  Quite a few 
of the folx are second and third-generation (black and red-diaper 
babies) anarchist-types-- the kids and grandkids of the many 
"unreformed" hippies who moved here from '67 on.  These people 
actually seem to have *much* more on the ball than Zerzan.  

Interestingly, there's also a lot of support from blue-collar workers 
in the area.  There's a prevelent (correct) view that Rob Thaxton got 
railroaded, especially as the frat rats who regularly do much worse 
with the cops than anything that happened in June.

The people that seem to be whining the most about the anarchists 
here are the "progressives" who seem to be more upset that they 
aren't having any say in what's happening.  They also seem to be 
the most insistent that attacking an inanimate object is violence.

But here's something telling....  I went to a rally in support of the 
folx in Seattle.  The cops stayed away, most likely because a 
county commissioner and state representative were speaking in 
support of the activities.  There was also an aide of the district's 
congressman at the rally.  The congressman couldn't be there-- he 
was in Seattle protesting....

I'll get back more on this when I have time.  Unfortunately, I've got 
435 more messages in my mail and more schoolwork to do tonight.

"Custard pies are a sort of esperanto: a  universal language." 
                     --Noel Godin  


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