File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2000/anarchy-list.0001, message 155

Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 16:48:24 -0700
From: Mike <>
Subject: Re: Anarchism/Communism

At 11:17 PM 01/05/2000 EST, you wrote:
>Hey guys, I have a question.  Is there any truth to the portrayal of commie 
>groups as large mobs drinking and singing, marches, etc. and if so, how the 
>hell did they get people interested like that.

Hmmm, well *LET ME SEE*...drinking...singing, and MARCHING!!! They're all
fun thingz that people enjoy! A *FUN* 'pilitikal par-tay'!!! See, if yur
actin drunk in a group yur not a freakky lonely alkaholic loon, just a
social signin drinker!

Hmmm, this post had no ACTUAL use...

Please take into consideration, you DO looze brain cellz talkin 2 me...


Da Kryptic
"I'm da Hip Hop Messiah!"


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