File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2001/anarchy-list.0102, message 173

Subject: Re: Cleveland (formerly: Re: It's official, the swp are too scared to debate!)
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 22:23:05 -0600

----- Original Message -----
From: roger <>
Subject: Re: Cleveland (formerly: Re: It's official, the swp are too scared
to debate!)

> > Ah yes, Cleveland.  I'll bet if all them Cleveland anarks moved to
>  >Baltimore they'd probably REALLY get organised and maybe
>  >even win a revolution, neh?

> is that some kind of crack about modell taking the cleveland browns to
> baltimore?

yep.  one move and they win the Big One.

> all i know, goat, is that you dissed seattle yesterday and
> today we had a 7.0 earthquake!  are you god, goat?  or maybe an old
> testament patriarch?

yep and yep.  somebody's gotta pay for that Mardi Gras mess.

> your somewhat disconcerted servant,
> roger

don't worry, Rog, your secret's safe with me.

 old goat
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 operated by pygmies." -- Balzac


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