File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2001/anarchy-list.0103, message 119

Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:42:41 -0500 (EST)
From: brian callahan <>
Subject: Re: tad kepley

meg writes:
>i didn't post here to have stupid arguments or nit-pick with a >bunch of
>insular religious nuts who hate a man they've never met/don't >know
>about. my simple requests are in my original post.

Bullshit.  Tad posted a lot crap to this list a few years ago and some of us
know him all too well.  He was a self-centered, arrogant prick.  He was
smart, but that ain't no excuse.  As for his junkie status, well, I'm not
sure how hooked he was when he was posting here, but there's a reason every
asshole is an asshole, that doesn't make them any less of an asshole.

>as for "ad hominem", i guess i should be just about as >impressed by your
>misuse of latin in this instance as you were by "dropped >names".

Okay, Cicero, he attacked people rather than ideas or ideology.
That was his standard method.  He clearly didn't care about ideas, just
about winning an argument and looking cool.  If that sort of stuff
impresses, you have my sympathy.



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