File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2001/anarchy-list.0109, message 301

Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 12:50:38 -0400
From: kmart <>
Subject: Re: Shadow list?

John Anderson wrote:
> >capitalism, ne pas?  well, we've just seen a demonstration that the
> >same un-coerced, autonomous groups can be just about as DESTRUCTIVE as
> >the nation-state itself.
	Examine your assumptions my friends, we are assuming that these attacks
were the results of uncoerced and autonomous groups of indiduals outside of
State control.

This assumption may be entirely unwarranted, or it may at least require
some examination.

Need this be driven home, that we have absolutely no solid or clear idea as
to who perpetuated these acts other than that the operational aspects of
the attack were carried out by people who appeared physically to be of
middle eastern or south asian extraction, and they carried out these
attacks under Surnames and identities that apperaed to be Arabic or middle
eastern ? 5 of such identities have now been authoritatively shown to have
been fraudulently obtained, stolen from living persons entirely unconnected
with these horrible crimes, the only common denominator being that the
identities stolen were mostly Saudi, and from individuals whose
professions, innocent as they are, when examined by investigators would
appear to put these individuals as likely suspects.  Saudi pilots, law
abiding, whose identities were stolen.

There are 2 other initial snafus regarding identities with the Bukhari
brothers of Florida who were Asian pilots, Muslims, both of whom appear to
be not only innocent and unconnected to the crimes, but one of whom was
DEAD for a about a year before this took place. There are a couple of other
dodgy appearing identities on that list, but only time will tell as to
whether or not these identities are also stolen from inhabitants, dead or
alive, who really were unconnected with this mess.

No paranoia or conspiracy theory spinning here, just a simple statement
that we not only do not know the full story (obviously) of what went on,
but that we really have NO CLUE as to what happened other than that people
who look like middle easterners with what sounded like ethnically Muslim
and Arabic names carried out this attack with almost water tight opsec
while leaving a few sloppy clues around here and there that could have been
nothing more than disinformation purposefully spread by the actual planners
of the attack.

In other words we should examine ALL of our assumptions. The group or
groups who did this could have been far from autonomous groups of non state
connected indivduals.

"Exit sanity; enter paranoia. "  ||
   --Ziauddin Sardar             || neither paranoid nor sane


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