File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2001/anarchy-list.0111, message 1

From: "roger" <>
Subject: Re: bin Laden = Kropotkin + Bakunin (fwd)
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 21:05:23 -0800

> Kind of like that Ted Rall cartoon on "Jihad Slacker"?

not  familiar with it, but i'd like to be.  i'm a MAJOR comic book
fan.  give me hellblazer or old sandman and a good buzz and you can do
whatever the hell else you want to do with me.  i'll be copacetic.

> I got a call today from an AP reporter who is doing a story on the
> anti-glob movement, so that suggests that things are "getting back
> normal."
> Chuck0

what i like about you most is that you NEVER give up.  i have to
admire your persistence and commitment to your ideals.  these are not
bad things to possess.  i'm much less convinced (as i'm sure you
realize) that the 'anti-globalization movement that we see around us
is either 1) all that anti-authoritarian or 2) of much threat to the
status quo.  i'm not dissing you, Chuck0, quite the opposite.  i do
think that holding to one's beliefs and acting in accord with them is
a vanishingly rare occurance in human affairs.  and one of the noblest
of achievements.  you put your butt on the line for what you think.
that's probably why some people on this list will back you up despite
the fact that they may almost never agree with you (while others
obviously support you for what you say).  best example of how people
matter so much more than ideology.

but things aren't anywhere near 'back to normal' i suspect.  and
anarchists could very easily become scapegoats in the coming months.
we'll just have to see.


p.s.  if you don't take that sweet dishwashing job i clued you into in
athens, then by god i might just go back and get it myself.


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