Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 03:04:50 +0000 Subject: Re: [iso-8859-1] 20 juny: Jornada contra l'Imperi i la seva Politica d'Espi[iso-8859-1] onatge Electrnic On 26 May 02, at 21:14, Marco Alves wrote: > > Sorry about all of you that doesn't understand spanish... Computer translation of posted text: DAY AGAINST The EMPIRE And ITS POLITICA OF ESPIONAGE ELECTRNICO The PRXIMO GIVES 20 OF JUNE By annimo [ thumb_02-05-24-2149237. GIF ] all the tcnica equipment of the U.S.A. can be restrained by simple and ingenious actions. ......... [ e. GIF ] l gives 20 of June Prximo Hackers of all the planet emitirn a brief message, saturador of norteamierdacano system ECHELON. Prximo gives Thursday 20 of June, million resistant informticos sets out to make sabotages against Echelon, American system of espionage of telefnicas calls, dependent electrnico mail and transmisin of data of the powerful Agency of National Security (NSA, by its initials in ingls). From the dependencies of Echelon, located in diverse criminals of the planet, monitoriza electrnicamente the telefnicas conversations, made by means of the network it fixes or cellular, communications goes telefax, telex, messages of electrnico mail and seales of radio frequencies that circulate anywhere in the world around Internet. The propsito is, segn the authorities, to cut communications of carcter ^disonante^ to/or that they conspire against the interests of that pas. The software of Echelon catches from Internet and world-wide the telefnica network ^seleccionando for anlisis posterior^ those messages and dilogos that contain certain words or abbreviations nails, that could comprise of interchanges ^no aprobados^ of informacin. As a form to pronounce itself against such form of monitorizacin of the network, million of hackers has given beginning to one campaa denominated "JAM ECHELON DAY", that tendr place with participacin of interested worldwide. The form to drive to distribute by means of the channels of the network, an overwhelming amount of messages containing the following phrase: new act of to war against the states to together of Norteamrica. Very sensible phrase for the Echelon system, with which it is tried to saturate the capacity of answer of his mquinas.
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