Subject: PEPIS #38 - 29May02 - Bilderberg 2002 Press Release Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 20:01:22 +0100 Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 3:18 AM Subject: [pd-unity] PEPIS #38 - 29May02 - Bilderberg 2002 Press Release ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Bilderberg 2002 Press Release 2. Robert Fisk on Bush and Bin Laden 3. Roundtable added to 4. The Explosive Plan for a Third Temple in Jerusalem 5. Is Bush an Occultist? 6. Amnesty report from Janin 7. How Biased is Your Press? 8. Weird New Website - a bit too close to the truth? ----------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, This Thursday, while all eyes are on the world cup, the first Bilderberg since the transatlantic élite declared 'war on terrorism' gets under way. The secretariat are keeping their heads down as ever, hoping and praying that they can stop any press scrutiny of or speculation about the event. This communique contains a suggested press release as part of my campaign for proper press access to Bilderberg. I ask you to use all means to poke it under the noses of journalists, editors, indeed anyone you know who might like to mention the conference in the national and international press. Fax or email it into newsrooms wherever you can, a phone call to your favourite channel or paper will usually suffice to get newsroom fax numbers. It's also available in 'Word' and 'rich text' format at Anyway do please see if you can help spread the word about Chantilly. Also enjoy - as I'm sure you will - the brilliant piece by Robert Fisk plus the usual PEPIS concoction. And could anyone with a good copy of the Bilderberg 'secret rulers of the world' channel 4 programme please let me have a copy. cheers, Tony //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// Power Elite Public Information Service - - to join/leave list. Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003. PLEASE FORWARD TO NEWSGROUPS AND ANYONE YOU FEEL WOULD BE INTERESTED IN THIS INFORMATION. This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaign for an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similar elite meetings. See for more info. Archives: & \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 1. Bilderberg 2002 Press Release PRESS RELEASE - 00:00 GMT - 29May02 - For immediate release Transatlantic Elite to meet in secret on May 30th Tony Gosling - The latest initiatives needed to usher in a United States of Europe and to bring about global domination for the Western powers are about to be revealed at a secret power elite conference West of Washington D.C.. If you ever wondered why so many nations signed up to the Euro currency without the people in those countries being asked, or how the war on terrorism has arrived just in time to save the gravely indebted U.S. economy you may need to look no further. This year's Bilderberg Conference, featuring 120 or so of the most influential men in Europe and North America, looks certain to be taking place between Thursday 30th May and Sunday 2nd June 2002 at The Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly Virginia. In its Élite Conference Guide of Christmas 1987, the Economist described Bilderberg as 'Ne plus ultra' or 'the top of the top.' The élite that attend Bilderberg have real power to change the world for the better but the press are 'encouraged' not to cover the event because Bilderberg's power centralising policies such the Euro, the war on terrorism and cuts in public spending are making things much, much worse. Bilderbergers are afraid that the global strategists who plan and force through these geostrategic policies will be identified and exposed as the real villains of the world. Venues for these annual élite meetings are consistently palatial. Hotels generally have their own golf course attached and are sealed off from the outside world behind high walls. Though the Bilderberg secretariat insists the meetings are private, national military agencies such as MI6 or the CIA provide round-the-clock security at public expense. But there have been leaks. Top of the agenda this year, we're told, is Saddam Hussein's Iraq, and how to persuade a reluctant west to once more attack one of the world's weakest countries. Already ravaged by ten years of sanctions and with an infant mortality rate currently at about five to six thousand a month an attack on Iraq is nevertheless deemed 'necessary' by the élite to justify continued Western troop deployment and control of oil reserves in the Middle East. The leaks come from Jim Tucker, a writer for American Free Press in Washington DC, who is the only journalist in the world to discover the venue and date of the annual Bilderberg Meeting before the event. He is leaked information from a concerned source very close to the Bilderberg steering committee. Without Tucker there would be absolutely no press coverage. Even with the advance warning he provides there is far less coverage than might be expected. Reuters, News International, Washington Post, Hollinger and other media in attendance encourage token or zero coverage within their own empires. But it's not just the press and public who are kept in the dark. In 2000 the exasperated mayor of Genval near Brussels, where a Bilderberg conference was taking place, expressed disbelief when approached by a Belgian TV reporter. "If Queen Beatrix were coming to Genval, somebody would have told me!" Despite the enormous wealth and power wielded by the participants, Bilderberg is almost unknown amongst the general public. Many journalists or others who have heard of the meetings 'switch off' when Bilderberg is mentioned, expecting another wild conspiracy theory about meetings with aliens. But those who ignore these annual summits are playing into the hands of the conference organisers who will use any means, even encouraging madcap theories, to divert attention from what is being discussed inside. Critics have been falsely accused of anti-Semitism, disturbing when not many of the participants are Jewish. To the Bilderbergers any bypassing of democratic processes and suppression of legitimate media coverage is justifiable as 'good business'. European political, financial and military union under corporate control will also be on the agenda this year. Chair of the commission Romano Prodi is now openly being called the 'president' of Europe yet he has never been elected to the post. Prodi is not the first powerful person to be invited to Bilderberg before making it to the top. Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, George Robertson and Jack Santer all attended just before a great leap forward in their respective careers. Ex-government ministers such as Britain's Kenneth Clarke have been ticked off for failing to declare their free Bilderberg trips. Ever since it began Bilderberg has promoted the integration of European nations into a United States of Europe run not by elected representatives but by appointed 'Commissioners' who many believe to be in the pockets of banks and big business. This is nothing new. European based multinationals such as Philips and Volvo played a major part in designing the superstructure of the European State. In Europe, the European Round Table of Industrialists or E.R.T. corporate lobby group works with the unelected European Commission to draw up legislation. The European Parliament only has a chance to rubber stamp or delay these initiatives before they become law. The growth of the Euro currency is a major priority always at Bilderberg, the plan being to peg the Euro to the Dollar when all E.U. nations have joined creating a de facto world currency. The conferences began in 1954, an initiative of ex SS Nazi Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Bilderberg's first chairman. After the Lockheed bribery scandal in 1975 Bernhard resigned in disgrace but his wife, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, still attends the conference regularly. Bilderberg has been deciding policy since World War II which, along with NATO, is bringing about the strongest ever U.S. influence over Europe and the whole continent of Eurasia. The agenda at Bilderberg is set and invite list drawn up by a small steering committee consisting of Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and a hand picked representative from each major economic nation in the western world. Although there is no official membership, U.S. attendees at Bilderberg tend to be members of the Council on Foreign Relations, a private club that decides U.S. foreign policy and/or David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission which brings together élitists from Europe, the USA and Japan. Though big names are present: Kissinger, George Robertson, Conrad Black, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, James Wolfenson, David Rockefeller etc. the Bilderberg Group usually manage to duck coverage and criticism by the world's press. They refuse requests for interviews and prepare cover stories. In 2000 the conference was an 'international croquet tournament'. Even these lies are, it seems, better than the truth about what is being talked about inside getting out. Under Bilderberg's 'Chatham House' rules none of the participants are allowed to mention where they picked up the latest line on Europe or whatever is being discussed. A request for a press conference this year has been ignored. It is crucial that Bilderberg begin to open themselves up more fully to media scrutiny. Only by knowing of the existence of such power networks can the people make a decision on their legitimacy. Although the Bilderberg office in Leiden, Holland issues a 'press release' of its own, it does so a few hours after the last black Mercedes containing the last participant has left the conference area. Coldly calculated to ensure the press can't cover anything. If you didn't get an invite to Bilderberg this year you're in good company - only quislings need attend. Contacts: Westfields Marriott Chantilly, Virginia +1 (703) 818 0300 Jim Tucker American Free Press, Washington D.C. +1 (202) 543 6525 Bilderberg Secretariat Leiden, Netherlands +31 71 5280 521 Tony Gosling, Bristol UK +44 117 944 6219 All references to information contained in this release can be found at The release itself is at It's also available in 'Word' and 'rich text' format at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 2. Robert Fisk on Bush and Bin Laden There is a firestorm coming, and it is being provoked by Mr Bush More and more, President Bush's rhetoric sounds like the crazed videotapes of Osama bin Laden (full article) Robert Fisk: Independent Newspaper - 25 May 2002 So now Osama bin Laden is Hitler. And Saddam Hussein is Hitler. And George Bush is fighting the Nazis. Not since Menachem Begin fantasised to President Reagan that he felt he was attacking Hitler in Berlin - his Israeli army was actually besieging Beirut, killing thousands of civilians, "Hitler" being the pathetic Arafat - have we had to listen to claptrap like this. But the fact that we Europeans had to do so in the Bundestag on Thursday - and, for the most part, in respectful silence - was extraordinary. I'm reminded of the Israeli columnist who, tired of the wearying invocation of the Second World War to justify yet more Israeli brutality, began an article with the words: "Mr Prime Minister, Hitler is dead." Must we, forever, live under the shadow of a war that was fought and won before most of us were born? Do we have to live forever with living, diminutive politicians playing Churchill (Thatcher and, of course, Blair) or Roosevelt? "He's a dictator who gassed his own people," Mr Bush reminded us for the two thousandth time, omitting as always to mention that the Kurds whom Saddam viciously gassed were fighting for Iran and that the United States, at the time, was on Saddam's side. But there is a much more serious side to this. Mr Bush is hoping to corner the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, into a new policy of threatening Iran. He wants the Russians to lean on the northern bit of the "axis of evil", the infantile phrase which he still trots out to the masses. More and more, indeed, Mr Bush's rhetoric sounds like the crazed videotapes of Mr bin Laden. And still he tries to lie about the motives for the crimes against humanity of 11 September. Yet again, in the Bundestag, he insisted that the West's enemies hated "justice and democracy", even though most of America's Muslim enemies wouldn't know what democracy was. In the United States, the Bush administration is busy terrorising Americans. There will be nuclear attacks, bombs in high-rise apartment blocks, on the Brooklyn bridge, men with exploding belts - note how carefully the ruthless Palestinian war against Israeli colonisation of the West Bank is being strapped to America's ever weirder "war on terror" - and yet more aircraft suiciders. If you read the words of President Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney and the ridiculous national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, over the past three days, you'll find they've issued more threats against Americans than Mr bin Laden..............(continued) (full article) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 3. Roundtable added to ROUNDTABLE: I'm pleased to announce that the 'roundtable' website which is an excellent critique of the Council on Foreign Relations is now copied or 'mirrored' at My emails to the webmaster were blocked recently so I decided it was a good time to give the author some small credit for his fascinating exposee and get him a little more exposure. The CFR is one of the most destructive institutions on earth, being a mechanism by which U.S. based multinational corporations translate their aggressive, expansionist desires into state department policy and thence to overt and covert action by the CIA, NSA and more conventional military arms of government. The CFR has, since the first world war, steadily eaten away at the American people's view of what U.S. foreign policy should be and set these agencies on a mission to aquire new markets and raw materials to extend the influence of U.S. multinationals. The Council on Foreign Relations is an organisation every schoolchild in the world must be taught about. Here's a start... This is from the site "The Council on Foreign Relations was formally established in Paris in 1919 along with its British Counterpart the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The Council on Foreign Relations and Royal Institute of International Affairs can trace their roots back to a secret organization founded and funded by Cecil Rhodes, who became fabulously wealthy by exploiting the people of South Africa. Rhodes is the father of Apartheid. The Council on Foreign Relations was founded by a group of American and British imperialists and racists intent on ruling the world. Many of the American members were American intelligence officers that belonged to the first American Intelligence Agency -- THE INQUIRY. Many of the British members were British Intelligence Agents. THE INQUIRY and its members, who included such notable Americans as Col. Edward Mandel House, Walter Lippmann, Isaiah Bowman, and James Shotwell, wrote most of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points. The CFR/RIIA method of operation is simple -- they control public opinion. They keep the identity of their group secret. They learn the likes and dislikes of influential people. They surround and manipulate them into acting in the best interest of the CFR/RIIA. The Council on Foreign Relations, and the Royal Institute of International Affairs are adept at using the media to create massive psycho-political operations used to manipulate public opinion. The psycho-political operations are often designed to create tensions between different groups of people. The object is to keep the world in a state of perpetual tension and warfare to maximize profits from CFR/RIIA munition, medicine, media, energy, and food businesses." (continues) Welcome to the Bilderberg website roundtable ;-) btw - don't forget Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler - essential related reading ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 4. The Explosive Plan for a Third Temple in Jerusalem The trouble is if the Jews go ahead and build this temple it will almost certainly be on the site where the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque are now - two of the holiest sites in Christianity and Islam - knocking them both down and aggravating both religions (particularly the Moslems) to the point of almost inevitable bloodshed and religious war. There have already been clashes between Moslems and Right-wing Jews who have tried to place a foundation stone for this third temple right next to the Mosque. And the floor of the mosque is collapsing in parts due to Jewish excavations underneath! Tony >From a Messianic Jewish perspective The Red Heifer... Check out: There have been some red heifers in the past, but they turned out to be flawed by a single white hair or something else. Our non-believing Orthodox Jewish brothers and sisters await a flawless Kosher red Heifer to sacrifice for the ashes that they will put in their mikvahs for the priest to go down into so they will be ceremonially clean. Then they can go up on the Temple mount and commence the laying of the cornerstone for the third Temple (Ezekiel's Temple) and the building of the altar for the daily sacrifices. This will consitute the beginning of said third Temple and that officially to the Orthodox Jews brings in the Messianic Era.... Now for Christians and Messianic Jews what does this mean? .... The covenant that is confirmed by many for 7 years will also be making way for this Temple to be built. This begins the last seven years before Yahushua (Jesus) returns! I estimate that we are within five years of this all commencing and the anti-annointed one (anti-christ) taking his seat in the rebuilt Temple and declaring himself to be Elohim (god). What exciting times we are living in! The mayhem before he comes back will go something like this.... The Temple begins and Israel welcomes a Messiah (the false one). 3 1/2 years will pass and then the abomination that makes the Temple desolate happens (from Daniel and Revelation) and then the last 3 1/2 years of the 7 year period is the time called the "Great Tribulation". Yahushua said there will not have been such great tribulation ever seen upon this earth before. It is my personal belief that during this time non-Torah observant Christianity will be suffering greatly and not knowing why. Then after the tribulation of those days (Matt. 24:29) the sign of Yahushua's coming will appear. He'll come down and ressurect those who are dead in Him and then we will be changed in a moment. >From there I guess it's off to the battle of Armageddon? and then the marriage supper of the lamb that many regular Christians may not be able to be a part of because their garments are spotted because of saying the Torah (Law of Moses) was nailed to the cross and they didn't have to obey it. Truly, Yahushua said not one Jot or Tittle shall pass from the Law till all things be fulfilled. It won't be too much longer and all things will be fulfilled. wooooowhoooo! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 5. Is Bush an Occultist? A member of the 'Skull and Bones'? According to Robert Goldsborough of Washington Dateline, Governor George W. Bush has a secret ingredient which will help him in his bid to become America's next president - membership in a society which is even MORE secretive than Masonry. The society goes by the unofficial names of Skull and Bones and/or The Order, and its members are usually referred to as "Bonesmen." Bush family and Skull and Bones society - The home of Skull and Bones on the Yale campus is a stone building resembling a mausoleum, and known as ``the Tomb.'' Initiations take place on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River (an island owned by the Russell Trust Association), with regular reunions on Deer Island and at Yale. Initiation rites reportedly include strenuous and traumatic activities of the new member, while immersed naked in mud, and in a coffin. More important is the ``sexual autobiography'': The initiate tells the Order all the sex secrets of his young life. Weakened mental defenses against manipulation, and the blackmail potential of such information, have obvious permanent uses in enforcing loyalty among members. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 6. Amnesty report from Janin Israel / Occupied Territories: Preliminary findings of Amnesty International delegates' visit to Jenin Breaches of the Geneva Convention by Isreali Defence Forces under the command of the Isreali government: * Failure to give civilians warning or time to evacuate Jenin refugee camp before Apache helicopters launched their first attacks. * Failure by the Israeli Defence Forces to protect the people of the refugee camp, who are "protected people" under the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilians Persons in Time of War. * Allegations of extrajudicial executions * Failure, for 13 days, to allow humanitarian assistance to the people in the camp who were trapped in the rubble of demolished houses or running out of food and water. *Denial of medical assistance to the wounded in the refugee camp and deliberate targeting of ambulances. *Excessive use of lethal force and using civilians as a "human shield". *Ill-treatment, including beatings and degrading treatment, of Palestinian detainees. * Extensive damage to property with no apparent military necessity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 7. How Biased is Your Press? TV news biased against Palestinians, says study,4273,4394734,00.html Matt Wells, media correspondent Guardian Tuesday April 16, 2002 British television news is routinely biased towards the Israeli view of the conflict, according to academic research. As a result of lobbying by the Israeli government's public relations machine and the difficulties of explaining a complex story in ratings-driven bulletins, few people can understand the roots of the story, the Glasgow Media Group suggest. Young people in particular are unaware of key elements of the conflict. In a sample of 300 questioned by the researchers, only 9% knew that Israel was the occupying force. When the intifada began in 2000, a team led by Professor Greg Philo of Glasgow University examined 3,536 lines of text transcribed from 89 news bulletins. Only 17 lines were devoted to the conflict's history. Consequently, he said, the Israeli side was favoured, because attacks were portrayed as responses to Palestinian acts. Writing in today's Guardian, he adds: "A news journalism which seeks neutrality should not endorse any point of view, but there were many departures from this principle." The broadcasters deny bias. Roger Mosey, BBC head of television news, said: "I don't believe there's any institutional bias towards one side or other in the Middle East conflict." ITN said: "We've been covering this conflict fairly and impartially for more than half a century. We are not in the business of providing a daily history lesson.",4273,4394734,00.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 8. Weird New Website - a bit too close to the truth? I am not sure how for real these guys are, but they take themselves seriously and certainly give the impression that they are for real. Thanks Jeremy for sending me in these bizarre links - T One World Order website The most intelligent and educated humans are superior to all others and they must reproduce with others at all costs and must be protected at all cost. In light of our success, and with the growing number of worthless books written about us and our Freemason friends, we have decided that time is ripe for us to emerge to the forefront, at least in part, and in doing so, we need to set the record straight once and for all. What is One World Order? The constitution of oneworld free society Word Version International Relations The Declaration of Individual Rights Personal Financial Services Evolutionary Advancements HOT Stock Picks! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// Power Elite Public Information Service - - to join/leave list. Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003. 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