File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 114

Subject: chompsky on TV
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 05:59:34 -0700

just saw our old pal, noam, on acutal live, network morning news.  he
was debating bill bennet (former cabinet sec) about his book, 9-11.
they went at it pretty good for about five minutes.

looks as if the media will stoop to anything to serve up a dishy
dog-fight, Jerry Springer style -- even providing the public with an
authentic alternative voice, allbeit briefly.  purely an accident, i'm
sure.  the news reader looked sincerely shocked when the chomp-man
kept insisting that yes he really meant that the U$ was indeed a
'terrorist' state just like he'd repeated for the fourth or fifth
time.  poor girl was clearly out of her depth.  good fun.



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