File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 132

Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 06:01:25 +0000
Subject: Re: hey Ali

On 31 May 02, at 7:42, dan combs wrote:

> On Fri, 31 May 2002, Kristopher Barrett wrote:
> > On 31 May 02, at 0:07, Ali Kazmi wrote:
> >
> > Order some calcium and iodine supplements. If the region gets
> > dusted with fall-out, you'll need them. Antacid pills and putting
> > water purification iodine tablets in the drinking water supply will do
> > for an on-the-cheap solution.
> >
> > That or re-apply for those Raytheon Antarctica jobs.

> Go rent "The Atomic Cafe," Ali.  Everything you need to know is in it.
> The best part is about how you'll need around 100 tranquilizers.  Second
> best is about how learninhg to "Duck and Cover" will save your ass.
> carpo

I think we all agree that the best way to deal with nuclear war is to 
not wage it. Unfortunately, we will all have to deal with the 
consequences if the leaders of some state mystify themselves into 
thinking a nuke war is a good idea.

Even if Ali makes it to canada before these idiots throw out the first 
bomb, he will still have to deal with the same fall-out that the rest of 
us will.

If these idiots touch off enough ground bursts, we will not only need 
to deal with radio-iodine and strontium in the atmosphere, but will 
also have to face the possibility of having to scrape into landfills the 
first few inches of agricultural soil, including the entire year 2002 
food crop.

Double-plus ungood.

Kristopher Barrett


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