File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 133

Subject: Re: hey Ali
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 09:27:58 -0500

Hey, Ali, my ancestors left the Punjab region about 1500 years ago because
they didn't like the local govt regulators.  If y'all get this straightened
out, without making everything glow in the dark of course, do you think we
could come back?

old goat

From: Ali Kazmi
Subject: Re: hey Ali

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't checked my mail lately. Been busy
digging a fallout shelter in the lawn. and stocking up
on food and stuff. Thinking of putting in an extra
water tank, etc. etc. Useless gestures really.

The Kashmir issue involves more then just religion. A
look at the map will show that all 5 major rivers of
Pakistan originate in Kashmir. Currently, 2 in
PakKashmir, 2 in IndianKashmir and one on the line of

India currently has a number of freedom struggles
going, if it gives any ground in Kashmir, they will
face a resurgance in other areas, specially Punjab and
in East India.

If India gains PakKashmir and the Northern
Areas(originally part of Kashmir), they cut Pakistan's
land route to China, and gain a land route to
Afghanistan and Russia through Afghanistan.

After the American occupation of Afghanistan, the
puppet regime there is very pro-indian, and have been
requesting Pakistan to allow Indian transit trade
through Pakistan, which Pakistan has disallowed.

The current situation has also distracted attention
from the ethnic cleansing in the state of Gujrat,
which was coming under increasing international and
local condemnation.

The indian govenment seems to believe that a limited
strike across the line of control in Kashmir and the
Northern Areas will be tolerated by the "International
community" which will pressurize Pakistan not to use
its limited nuclear arsenal, and to accept whatever
new ceasefire line is drawn.

In Pakistan.

The current President is seen as an enemy of Islamic
Fundamentalists. These exist within the Army and
intelligence services and militant groups, and aren't
adverse to giving grief to him in any form.

The reason nuke war is likely is the close proximity
of major cities to the border. Islamabad and Lahore
are less then 100 Kms from India, Delhi is about 200 -
250 kms from Pakistan. With missiles being used as
delivery systems, Advance warning time is down to 5
-10 minutes. Even disregarding the nuttos on both
sides launching something, the chances of human or
equipment error are tremendous. one false reading on
the dated radar equipment, there isn't enough time to
verify if the launch is true or false. And with
limited amounts of warheads you are in a "use it or
loose it" position.

So enough time off from digging. Lets see if i can get
another few meters down before the uranium dawn.



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