File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 20

Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 13:15:41 -0400
Subject: Song about ANSWER and co...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ACC] song about ANSWER and co...
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 13:05:43 -0400

Check out this new song from folksinger David Rovics. hehehe :) 

(...The second, "Vanguard," is my answer to ANSWER and other sectarians. 
Perhaps in "Vanguard" I run the risk of seeming self-righteous, or of
letting anarchists or others off of the sectarian hook.  This is not my
intent.  My intent is to comment on the divisive role certain sectarian
organizations play, and to say (not universally, but to many) "leave your
party and join the movement!")
(more stuff at

David Rovics 

Worker's World says that they have all the answers 
And Milosevic is a guy that they admire 
The ISO says Trotsky is the man 
And they'll debate it until they all expire 
The industrial workers will lead the revolution 
So claims the SWP 
No, the truth lies among the lumpen 
That's the RCP 

The Sparts say the rest can go to hell 
And everyone else is a Stalinist 
The CP will just do their thing 
And pretend the others don't exist 
Well I had a realization this morning 
When I looked into the red and dawning sun 
I've figured out the truth 
And I'm forming a party of one 

I am the leader of the workers 
And I'll tell you why the Left is circumspect 
Because there's something you don't understand 
Only my line is correct 
'Cause I am the vanguard of the masses 
And all of you should just follow me 
If you doubt my analysis 
You must be in the petty bourgeoisie 

But I am not sectarian 
It's all the rest who are 
I work fine in coalitions 
As long as I'm the shining star 
So bow down to your master 
The lastest V.I. Lenin 
And off to the camps to all of you 
Who'd say, "not this again" 

'Cause I am the leader of the workers... 
...I'll fill your head with propaganda 'til you agree 

And I'll have no music at my protests 
And none of that goddamn puppetry 
I'll just have some somber slogans 
No decadent frivolity 
My chants will be the right ones 
Just the ones that should be said 
And my banners we'll wave proudly 
Just the proper shade of red 

And I will build the party if it kills me 
I am solely dedicated to the cause 
If I have to stab you in the back 
This won't give me pause 
'Cause my platform will take us forward 
And the ends always justify the means 
And you must step aside behind me 
Be you Quakers, Jews, anarchists or greens 

'Cause I am the leader of the workers... 
...I'll make sure that you agree 

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