File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 25

Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 12:02:07 +0200
Subject: Re: the bloodthirsty dutch

I checked their homepage at spoons and nothing seems to indicate a problem, but their archive stops at may 9th.

Isn't there a holiday in the u$ right now. We just had three days off because soem catholic holiday (one, or the only one, of the good thinhgs living in catholic countries: many holidays)


PS. one m:ore thing about Pim Fortuyn: he said that Holland was full: no more place for more immigrants or asylum seekers: well it seems someone just created one place by shooting him.

At 21:45 -0700 11-05-2002, roger wrote:
>looks like the a-list isn't responding - haven't gotten anything in a
>day or so, including your post.
>either we've finally been silenced by the imperialist running dogs of
>international capital, or the server is down for maintainance.


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