Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 15:11:49 +0200 Subject: Re: the bloodthirsty dutch To be honest i couldn't care less if he was killed or not. The day after he got shot an rightwing white extremist (80 years old) killed not too far from where i live a couple from moroccan decent, and wounding two of their children. The police arrived (rather late) and were afraid to enter their house, so a neighbour (also white belgian: this is important to ease the tensions that arose)) got in the house and rescued the children. Even the belgian media talked more about a media-cray populist rightwing politician than about this racist murder in Schaarbeek. I'lm still shocked. What does happen in Holland (and lots of other places) is now the demonizing of the Left and green mouvement. Erik PS. the person who killed the dutch poloitcian was someone who worked as a legal advisar in an ecologist organisation where he specialised in using the law to stop indistrialisation of farming. Seems like in his free time he did also other things At 20:00 -0700 10-05-2002, roger wrote: >hey sprout - any poop on the pol who got popped? > > >roger
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