File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 35

Subject: Re: We're WINNING...Maybe
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 06:11:31 -0700

Carp utterth:
> You can trust the military...

yeah, for sure.  afghanland will be quite the playground for the
foreseeable future.  sort of a global gladitorial pit where we can
watch ourselves fight 'terrorism' live at 7 and 11, check your local

but i recall that 19 out of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 weren't from
afghanistan.  the money, the global infra-structure, even the
leadership itself has probably had a cool six months to re-structure,
hit the beach for a little winter break, and now we have a juicy,
palestinian/israeli mess, pak/idian tensions, and a probable war in
iraq to exploit.  i bet the coffers are bulging.  maybe the
archdiocese of boston is in a funding crisis, but i doubt if the Axis
of Evil (branch offices near you) is suffering similar problems.

but who really knows.  any real war on those who attack
indiscriminately will only be won at the level of intellignece and
spook stuff in the short run, and a radical re-ordering of the
international system and/or US policy (any day now, i'm sure) in the
long run.

so we need either a police state or the revolution/rapture to do the
job.  wonder which we'll wind up with?



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