File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 5

Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 20:21:21 +0100
Subject: Re: Another World is possible! A Black Flag May Day Special

hello all

Chuck Munson wrote:

 > Joshua Houk wrote:
 >>> Iain McKay wrote:
 >>>> This is the text of a leaflet produced for the May Day
 >>>> demonstration in Glasgow.
 >>>> ******************************************************
 >>>> Another World is possible!
 >>> So, why are you guys using this phrase that the liberals use to 
make our
 >>> movement more palatable to the middle class?
 >> Obviously because our British Comrades have not been following in 
 >> with current Anarchist dogma, the bastards. Can someone on the list send
 >> this to Iain? It's really embarrassing when people use verboten
 >> phraseology - one hopes that the folks at Black Flag will adhere more
 >> strictly to the Party in the future. After all we don't want to 
purge them.
 >> Yet.

I think its a nice imagery, to be honest. Another world
is possible and I don't see why we should let liberals
appropriate good slogans! It was going to be "A New World
is possible" but I though "New World order" and decided to
change it to something nicer.

 >>> I certainly can't imagine any of the Haymarket martyrs uttering this on
 >>> the execution stand.
 >> Too true! You get 'em, Chuck!
 > I just thought it was kind of odd that Iain would choose that phrase.

Its a valid question. And to be honest, I had not really
thought deeply about it. As I said, I think its a positive
slogan and one which it would be a shame to let others
take it over without a fight. After all, the liberals
are basically ripping the heart out off it ("Another world
is possible, it is just remarkably like this one"). As
such, we can show them up by using the same slogan and
actually meaning it.

After all, some trots use "socialism from below" which has
an anarchist feel to it. It makes good propaganda to use
that imagery (and it is libertarian imagery the trots are
trying to invoke) and explain why its users have nothing
in common with it!

Also, that slogan reminds me of Durruti's famous words.



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