File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 62

Subject: Re: Axeing the Bleed from Anarcy List
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 16:17:45 -0500

Stick to your guns, Dave!  Why the hell would you want to let some guy who
collects spoons tell you what to do?  Fuck 'im!

Besides this Pavlov guy is probably a commie or a nazi.

old goat

----- Original Message -----
From: David Brown, Recollection
To: Spoon Collective
Cc: Anarchy list
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: Axeing the Bleed from Anarcy List

> Because it's a discussion list.
> Apologies for any shortness, but this was the second time of asking.

Oh, damn. 2 requests in less than 24 hours, after being on this list for
Excuse me if I did not jump through your hoop immediately Herr Pavlov.

& without any explanation on your part. Much less any explanation of
who constitutes the 'spoon collective" & how "they" arrived at "their"
Perhaps you can direct me to the rules & regulations section that define

the exact parameters?

So much for "discussion". You're great.

The Daily Bleed has been going to this list for roughly 4-5 years, so
why suddenly is it verbotten?

It originally appeared daily on this list, not direct from me, but from
two individual subscribers (Chuck-O & Freddy Baer) who used to take
the time each day to copy & forward the material because they thought
it was of value to the "discussion" list. Because of the extra work
involved eventually it made more sense to send it direct to the
list from me.

Perhaps anarchists have less to talk about than non-anarchists? On the
other two other discussion lists it goes out to daily (& some on a more
basis), which are not specifically anarchist) many of the events or
material elicits much discussion off & on...

--- Dave

> > --- Dave
> Take care and thanks
> Jon
> for
> the spoon collective


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