Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 10:23:48 -0700 Subject: Daily London Daily Telegraph Bleed Sorry, in compliance with SpoonEdict, the Daily NewNew!! Bleed will now provide complete articles from the London Daily Telegraph, Vanity Fair, People Magazine, Rupert Murdoch, etc, for "discussion" instead of the usual Daily Old!!Old!! Bleed. Recent "discussion" on Anarchy list from London Daily Telegraph & other important tabloids have featured these pieces in full: Arms Blown Up By Marines Were Mine Why does John Malkovich want to kill me? Mourning will be brief April 1, 2002 The Guardian by Christopher Hitchens, columnist for Vanity Fair. The Daily Bleed intends to reInvent itself to elicit more important "discussion" which this list has been short on of recent, in complaince with SpoonEdict & to keep up with other important "discussion" such as Kniesel's non-anarchist Internet Fascist. >From today's Daily NewNew!! Bleed: DUKE ... Big ... WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL DISARMAMENT DAY. If all women are disarmed, only .... [fill in the blank & explain your choice along with dietary habits, drinking & drugs of choice... be sure you share this anarchist information with this list] Contestants Two winners will be selected by the SpoonFed Collective & will receive free copies of the Anarchy List as a Door Prize. Answers, no less than 30 rambling pages, should be sent direct to: 1861 - Leo Tolstoy is no fucking anarchist. 1864 - Zo D'Axa lives. Lampoon this asshole. What is a Lampoon? What is a Poon? Is it true that a variation of Poon (eg, sPoon) recently D'Axad the ol Daily Bleed?'AxaZo.htm 1884 - Anti-Monopoly party... See you there. Anti-Winner gets free sub to this list. We are nothing if not the Anarchist Party!Party!Party! 1899 - Henri Michaux ...lyric....drugs. His ...of..... 1905 - [...] is controversial, allegedly plagiarized 1910 - US: Emma Goldman ... [well maybe she did, maybe not]. Anybody know exactly why? 1921 - Beginning of the trial of .... anarchist...execution Name the famous judge & his great quote on the golf course. 1959 - First house... DUCK'N'COVER! 1963 - Elmore ...suffers ... Name the instrument he suffered DUST MY BROOM! 1968 - University occupations ... Name the 4 countries Also where did the undertakers go on strike & who uttered: "NOW IS NOT A GOOD TIME TO DIE" 1968 - Government plans to call out the army in what country?. In the evening battles break out ... 1968 - Name the city & country: The old guardians of power & authority look on helplessly as workers control their own lives. 1968 - ...pouring blood on ... 1980 - Hundreds arrest... 1981 - First International .... 1982 - Japan: Over 200,000 people ... 1984 - New Zealand: Largest ... The more things change, the more they .... "Corrupted by wealth & power, your government is like a restaurant with only one ..." ---Huey Duey & Looie --- Anti-DailyBleed 5000 or thereabouts to be exact. [Sorry, Daily Bleed in full not available on this list. ---AuntieWhoWritesThisShit?]
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