File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 69

Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 19:55:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Axeing the Bleed from Anarcy List

On Fri, 24 May 2002, David Brown, Recollection wrote:

> The Daily Bleed has been going to this list for roughly 4-5 years, so
> why suddenly is it verbotten?

Well, you may not have noticed (it seems you have not), but it hasn't been
appearing recently.

The reason for this is simple.  Several months ago, in response to a
massive increase in spam, the spoon collective (who are they/we? the folk
who manage the technical side of this list and a bunch more; we do this on
rotation, a week at a time; this week is my week) instituted new filters
to deal with posts sent to our list.  (We have a bunch of other filters
that, for instance, prevent mail loops and virus-laden messages and other
inconveniences for all of us.)

This new spam filter separates out mail that does not have a list name in
the "To" or the "Cc" header.

For most of the lists, the filter junks the messages.  There are two lists
(anarchy-list and aut-opsy) for which we look through the apparent spam
and approve messages that we think actually should be getting through to

When I turned up on rotation this week, we had zillions of messages in
this folder.  Many were from the Daily Bleed, which (as much as anything
because it is extra hassle for the person doing rotation) had not gotten
approved.  To reduce, if only slightly, the number of messages we have to
deal with on a daily basis, I asked you to stop sending them to the list.
You didn't reply.  I then asked again, and you sent me the following

"Why is this?? You're a little short."

To which I replied:

"Because it's a discussion list.

"Apologies for any shortness, but this was the second time of asking."

At which point you posted to the anarchy-list, under the subject line
"Axeing the Bleed," addressing me as "Herr Pavlov."

> It originally appeared daily on this list, not direct from me, but from
> two individual subscribers (Chuck-O & Freddy Baer) who used to take
> the time each day to copy & forward the material because they thought
> it was of value to the "discussion" list. Because of the extra work
> involved eventually it made more sense to send it direct to the
> list from me.

Fine.  No problem.  However, I'll just point out that the extra work has
simply shifted to us, the spoon collective.  And we are not always
renowned for our workrate (not all collectives are), which is why the
Bleed hasn't been getting through.

To ensure it gets through, do the following: send it to the anarchy-list
directly, from you, with in the
"To" header.  That way, it will evade our filters.

To ensure it gets through sporadically, as at present, continue as you

(If we were smart enough we might be able to write a special
filter-exception rule just for the Bleed; but there are smart members of
the spoon collective, and stupid members, and I'm one of the latter.)

> --- Dave

Take care


the spoon collective


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