File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 70

Subject: Re: Axeing the Bleed from Anarcy List
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 18:11:25 -0700

thank you for posting that explanation.  spam control is certainly a
righteous and noble struggle, without which the list would be
essentially un-readable.  there's probably a profound metaphor in all
this but i choose to ignore it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Spoon Collective" <>
To: "David Brown, Recollection" <>
Cc: "Anarchy list" <>;
"spoon-admin list" <>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: Axeing the Bleed from Anarcy List

> On Fri, 24 May 2002, David Brown, Recollection wrote:
> > The Daily Bleed has been going to this list for roughly 4-5 years,
> > why suddenly is it verbotten?
> Well, you may not have noticed (it seems you have not), but it
hasn't been
> appearing recently.
> The reason for this is simple.  Several months ago, in response to a
> massive increase in spam, the spoon collective (who are they/we? the
> who manage the technical side of this list and a bunch more; we do
this on
> rotation, a week at a time; this week is my week) instituted new
> to deal with posts sent to our list.  (We have a bunch of other
> that, for instance, prevent mail loops and virus-laden messages and
> inconveniences for all of us.)
> This new spam filter separates out mail that does not have a list
name in
> the "To" or the "Cc" header.
> For most of the lists, the filter junks the messages.  There are two
> (anarchy-list and aut-opsy) for which we look through the apparent
> and approve messages that we think actually should be getting
through to
> people.
> When I turned up on rotation this week, we had zillions of messages
> this folder.  Many were from the Daily Bleed, which (as much as
> because it is extra hassle for the person doing rotation) had not
> approved.  To reduce, if only slightly, the number of messages we
have to
> deal with on a daily basis, I asked you to stop sending them to the
> You didn't reply.  I then asked again, and you sent me the following
> message:
> "Why is this?? You're a little short."
> To which I replied:
> "Because it's a discussion list.
> "Apologies for any shortness, but this was the second time of
> At which point you posted to the anarchy-list, under the subject
> "Axeing the Bleed," addressing me as "Herr Pavlov."
> > It originally appeared daily on this list, not direct from me, but
> > two individual subscribers (Chuck-O & Freddy Baer) who used to
> > the time each day to copy & forward the material because they
> > it was of value to the "discussion" list. Because of the extra
> > involved eventually it made more sense to send it direct to the
> > list from me.
> Fine.  No problem.  However, I'll just point out that the extra work
> simply shifted to us, the spoon collective.  And we are not always
> renowned for our workrate (not all collectives are), which is why
> Bleed hasn't been getting through.
> To ensure it gets through, do the following: send it to the
> directly, from you, with in
> "To" header.  That way, it will evade our filters.
> To ensure it gets through sporadically, as at present, continue as
> are.
> (If we were smart enough we might be able to write a special
> filter-exception rule just for the Bleed; but there are smart
members of
> the spoon collective, and stupid members, and I'm one of the
> > --- Dave
> Take care
> Jon
> for
> the spoon collective


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