Subject: Re: Daily London Daily Telegraph Bleed Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 23:31:19 -0700 <> writ: > Sorry, in compliance with SpoonEdict, > the Daily NewNew!! Bleed will now provide complete articles > from the London Daily Telegraph, Vanity Fair, > People Magazine, Rupert Murdoch, etc, for "discussion" > instead of the usual Daily Old!!Old!! Bleed. [etc., and blast Outlook Expresso] Dang, if the Bleed was written like that all the time, I might actually read it! But then again, I'm under the very corruptive influence of SF c. 'New Worlds' 1967-1972 [ob-AT-: M. Moorcock], so I'm impressionable that way. And I've always been a secret, scratch that, open admirer of ellipses... I think I was actually one the the unenlightened who complained (mildly, at that) about not really seeing the need for bleed back when it was being distributed by middlemyn, but I've changed my ways (along with many others), but who cares? As you said, it's certainly more welcome than the Kneisel missives. joshua h...
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