File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2002/anarchy-list.0205, message 86

Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 21:12:28 -0500
Subject: Re: Pakistan/India

At 01:20 PM 5/26/02 +0100, Heather Glaisyer wrote:
>I think I remember there being someone on this list who writes well about
>what's going on her..........for comments

This entire Paki/Indian thing is Bad News.   Having a war over religious 
differences is just about the most useless exercise their is.   The Hindus 
have burned around 1500 moslems to death in N. India in the last 
month.  How do you solve a religious feud?

The Pakis simply don't have enough nukes.  MAD wirked (WIRK?) for the 
US/USSR because both sides had more than enough survivability to make any 
attack suicidal.  Maybe India has enough, but Pakistan is now in the "use 
them or lose them" mode.  If the Fecal Matter hits the Oscillating Blade 
and Pakistan starts to go down in the conventional battle (and they are 
odds-on favorites to lose the conventional war) they will nuke so they 
don't lose the weapons or the war.   India will then retaliate to show they 
can play too.  Then there will be a Spasm.

This is a close thing.



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