Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 19:55:43 +0100 Subject: May Day exclusive! Well, I never thought I would say this, but the front page of the May Day Socialist Worker (in the UK) actually has a profoundly true front page, one I agree with 100% (okay, ignoring the "socialist worker" banner). It says something along the lines of "this is the only way to stop fascism" under a fantastic picture of French protesters. The main banner says "always anti-fascist, anti-capitalist always" (I'm reliably informed that this sounds really good in French). The massive banner is surrounded by thousands of people, many of whom are carrying flags. And the funny thing is (and this is why I support the message 100%) is that the massive banner is a diagonal red and black with a scab-cat on th left and the flags around it are also red and black with the letters CNT on them! Yes, of all the possible pictures the SWP could use on its front page, they choose one dominated by anarcho-syndicalists! Kinda suggests the French trot presence was slightly less impressive and politically less clear... shame that the radical message on the front page (i.e. that only anarcho-syndicalism can stop fascism and capitalism) is not continued inside... ah, well, a step in the right direction :) Iain
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