File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2003/anarchy-list.0302, message 264

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Subject: RE: History
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 20:52:41 -0000

Darla Kay wrote

> finally!  hell, ya ain't nobody around here 
> till dave gives you some shit. i've been feeling 
> left out...  hmmm...  i have a feeling that 
> dave has given me shit before...  

Yes, but that was a long, long time ago.

> and dave, don't tell me you're not upset 
> about the rock cuz i know you are.

Okay, you are going to have to explain 
this one to me. Just exactly what is it 
to do with the Rock that I am supposed 
to be "upset" about? 

Am I supposed to be upset that the USA
broke the promise to their their Spanish
allies that they wouldn't sign a peace treaty 
without Spain getting the Rock back?

Am I supposed to be upset that Spain is still 
trying and failing to get the Rock back?
I really don't give a shit about this. 
It is a fact that the inhabitants of 
the Rock are very insistent that they
are British. It is also a fact that
I am very insistent that I am  _not_
British. But I couldn't care less one
way or the other whether Spain gets 
it back.  

Am I supposed to be upset that Frankie Laine
had a hit song singing about the Rock during
the early 1950s?

Am I supposed to be upset that there is some
wrestler who gets called the Rock and the malodorous
one made a crap joke about this? 

I am not upset about any of these things.
I merely point out that they are so.
Because I think that truth is important.

Dave Coull


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