File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2003/anarchy-list.0303, message 795

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 17:07:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Maldoror <>
Subject: RE: totalitarianism alive & well in nyc

--- "Heather (iPAQ)" <> wrote:
> How did the experience make u feel?
> Just curious 

well as i said twas my first time at one of those
shindigs so i thought it was interesting to see the
solidarity involved, but it was too much like tv. an
angry speaker yelling and with hurrahs from the crowd.
signs against bush and the gov't etc. 'no blood for
oil...' everything one would expect.

but in many ways it sort of reinforced what i've said
in the past which is the gov't doesn't care. let them
have their freedom of speech and assembly to appease
their discontent, because they know that if they
silence the ability ppl may resort to violence which
is what the gov't fears so they allow the demos, all
the while not giving a shit what ppl say. they say the
demos are larger than those during the vietnam era,
yet officials don't care as they bombard iraq again
and again.

i mean it's good that ppl are out because at least the
gov't knows there is discontent, but without any sort
of direct action against the gov't it's almost as if
no one showed up at all. and if anyone was to start a
riot there were so many police there, all with guns
that we all probably would've been mowed down with

i guess with seeing all of the police there it made me
feel even more powerless, because while there were a
lot of protesters there were more guns ready to be
aimed. it was depressing in that sense.

i had mentioned this once before that i think the only
way the protesters could do any good is to resort to
violence because that is all the bush administration
knows. violence is their language. even if everyone
who protested around the country opted not to go into
work to try and hinder the economy i think all it
would do is create a bunch of people who are
unemployed as their bosses'd fire them and hire on

honestly though i don't know what the solution is and
i don't know if there is a solution to be found. all
in all it kind of made me sad as i left.


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