File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2003/anarchy-list.0304, message 146

Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 07:34:13 -0500
From: Unka Bart <>
Subject: Re: You can run, but....

>danceswithcarp wrote:
>> At 08:29 PM 4/10/2003 +0200, Ze Sprout wrote:
>>> and as clever as ever : "When I shut the statistical thing down in Jan
>>> 2001, we had 100,000 unique visitors per month. Since then, physical
>>> traffic on the line has quadrupled, so I'd say that 400,000 uniques
>>> per month is reasonable."
>> Maybe he'll volunteer for a suicide mission over the Iraq thing.  That
>> would make him a really good anti-semite.
>I look in on his progress towards outright fascist every so often. He
>has lately been talking up his Alexa rankings, which is a pretty
>meaningless distinction. Given that his core audience these days are
>racist, anti-smeitic white guys, it's hard to believe that his website
>gets the traffic that he claims. And we know from past experience that
>he will engage in stunts to pump up his web stats, if he just doesn't
>outright lie about the traffic.
>I'll go with the Occam's Razor explanation: he's a poor liar.

True, but moot.

He's a pissant.

You know who...


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