File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2003/anarchy-list.0305, message 52

Subject: RE: Vogts for Women
From: John Anderson <>
Date: 04 May 2003 10:10:26 +0200

On Sun, 2003-05-04 at 01:14, Dave Coull wrote:
> John Anderson wrote
> > You have a very bad habit of removing 
> > (ignoring?) crucial context for statements
> You expect me to quote every piece of worthless
> verbiage from you? I quote what I consider 
> worth commenting on, neither more nor less.

That's obvious. And the things you don't consider worth commenting on
are often the things that are crucial in indicating that the original
meaning was other than you thought it was. Which says to me that you
have a well-developed capacity for ignore-ance.

To take but one example: you didn't answer my question as to why you
felt this discussion was boring and pointless. Which is an interesting
elision - I've heard that excuse before when a person wants to get out
of a discussion they find uncomfortable, but aren't willing to admit

Your sense of humour is also less well-developed than you seem to think.
The number of subtle and at least somewhat funny comments that have been
made by various people that you simply failed to understand is not
small. Which is not really surprising since you ignore things you don't

And yet you accuse other people being ignorant and unfunny. There's a
name for this: projection. It happens when a person denies their own
character traits so strongly that those traits remain fully unconscious.
But even though those traits are repressed, they are nonetheless part of
you, and *will* find some way to express. So you're going to carry on
wrongly accusing people of doing those things. Which is bound to annoy
them (nobody likes being wrongly accused), and since you can't/won't see
what you yourself are doing you believe it's their fault. As I said, you
got issues, man. Not that anybody doesn't, but some people have the
grace to attempt to see their own issues.

> > If you find it pointless and boring, 
> > how come you're still taking part?
> As from now, I'm not.

Which is also not an answer ;-)



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