Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 12:46:25 +0000 (GMT) Subject: Re: new one --0-858327840-1068986785=:99171 Cheers Ali. Looking for somewhere to live at the moment and facing up to 185 pounds an hour lawyer fees. I just knew anarchism was a bad career move. The good news is that the Queen has apparently put her foot down. It was bad enough that all Shrub's satellite gizmos and command centre devices was going to bugger up her feed-link from the bookies for the horse racing, but when they wanted a Black Hawk thing to hover over Buck House all the time, she said no, fearing for the corgis. Cheers Andy --------------------------------- Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo!Messenger --0-858327840-1068986785=:99171
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