File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2003/anarchy-list.0311, message 59

Subject: Re: incoming
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 21:50:14 -0000

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ze Sprout" <>
To: "Roger Herrin" <>
Cc: <anarchy-list-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: incoming

can we just damage him a little bit ?


I'm going to go to London and damage him as much as possible in anyway I
can. Couldn't sleep at night if I don't.

At 00:13 -0800 18-11-2003, Roger Herrin wrote:
>hey, watch out europe, here comes our young napoleon.  take good care of
him and, whatever you do, don't break him.  if you do, we're stuck with
cheney!!!  and that is definitively one of the sure signs of the apocalypse.
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===========================================================================Ze Sprout  <>
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