File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2003/anarchy-list.0312, message 32

Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 16:11:27 -0600
Subject: Direct Action to Stop the War (DSAW) statement on Hussein capture

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


Direct Action to Stop the War
December 14, 2003
CONTACTS: Direct Action to Stop the War Media Hotline 415-305-5345
           Patrick Reinsborough, DASW 415-722-1846

We sincerely hope that the capture and prosecution of Saddam Hussein
will end a painful era of repression and tyranny for the Iraqi people.
However, it is imperative that, as US citizens, we remain out-spoken
in our support of a free and self-governing Iraqi people.  This
historic opportunity for justice must not trade the tyranny of
Saddam Hussein for the tyranny of a U.S. corporate controlled state.

The successful capture of Saddam Hussein does not exonerate the Bush
administration's systematic deception of the American people or
justify the unilateral invasion of Iraq.  The evidence continues to
mount that the invasion was based on a dangerous new framework for
American policy based on pre-emptive militarism and imperial control
of global resources.

The Bush administration has a moral imperative to answer questions
regarding the consequences of this invasion on the Iraqi and
American people.  The recent revelation of Halliburton's price
gouging is just the latest example of a Bush administration that has
consistently put their corporate connections ahead of public safety,
international law and the rights of the American people to make
informed democratic decisions. While over a hundred billions dollars
in being pumped into the Iraq occupation, according to one Boston
Globe estimate, the War may cost every American household $1000.

While our schools, healthcare and basic human needs continue to lose
funding, corporations with close ties to the Bush Administr ation like
Bechtel, Chevron Texaco, and Chase Manhattan continue to fill their
corporate coffers with the spoils of an illegal and unjust war.

We will continue our work to educate, organize and mobilize the
American people to end the ongoing occupation of Iraq and to build a
true democracy in the United States.

Direct Action to Stop the War (DASW) -- The community based
mobilization which organized a 20,000 person shut down of the San
Francisco financial district in response to the U.S. invasion of
Iraq - has consistently highlighted the links between U.S. corporate
interests and Bush's empire- building policies.  In solidarity with
affected communities, DASW has organized non-violent direct actions
against Bechtel, ChevronTexaco, Lockheed Martin, Autonomy
Corporation and the Carlyle Group. DASW continues to expose the
links between U.S. militarism and corporate globalization by
organizing actions against the World Trade Organization, the Free
Trade Area of the Americas and the Democratic and Republican
National Conventions.



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