File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2003/anarchy-list.0312, message 35

Subject: Re: dead man walkin'
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 19:20:58 +0000

>From: Ze Sprout <>

>PS. ofcourse i'm glad Saddam is taken prisoner, but i hope iraqi resistance 
>gets more clever and starts exclusively focusing on u$-brit and other 
>coalition soldiers instead of RedCross/RedCrescent or United Nations or 
>especially (iraqi) civilians.

The more the UN and Europeans shoulder the burden of the war, the easier it 
is for the U.S. to scale back its commitment and have a significant fraction 
of "the boys" back home by next fall.  The whole point of targeting UN 
people and auxiliary (oops, I mean allied) forces is, it deters the 
international community from backing the U.S.  The insurgents want to make 
sure the whole burden is borne by the Anglo-Americans, and they pay the 
political cost for it at home.

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