File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_2003/anarchy-list.0312, message 36

Subject: Re: future of america
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 19:25:05 +0000

You might be surprised.  It would have been much better for Bush if this had 
happened next October, so there wouldn't be time for patriotism fatigue to 
set in afterward.  If the scale of casualties doesn't decline significantly, 
this may just be a blip on the radar slightly larger than the one after the 
deaths of Odai and Qusai.  And an ongoing resistance would give the lie to 
the claim of Rummy and his neocons that it's all just "Baathist 

>From: Ali Kazmi <>
>Reply-To: Ali Kazmi <>
>To: ErikBuelinckx <>
>CC: anarchy-list-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
>Subject: Re: future of america
>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 07:53:01 -0800 (PST)
>Grin, Saddam's capture might not have any effect on
>the future of Iraq. But it sure as shit has nailed the
>coffin shut on america's future. (at least till 2008).
>With Shrubbie the Conquerer now singlehandedly
>capturing the person responsible for 9/11, WMD, horse
>thievery and  Pearl Harbor, the american public will
>shower him with adulation, frankincense and myrrh.
>Dean is screwed.
>Shrubbie won't even need to pull another turkey out of
>his ass.
>May the force be with you.
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