File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1997/97-03-23.192, message 16

Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 11:58:35 +1100
Subject: Re: bougainville

>Bruce Lindsay wrote:
>> Status:
>> >
>> >> in Melbourne (The Age) from a film-maker who was covertly
>> >> in Bougainville and talked to BRA people. His conclusion was ...
>> >
>> >Can someone send me this clipping. Who was the film maker, where is the
>> >film? Or when with the film be?
>> I actually read this while recently on holiday in Tasmania, and I'll try to
>> find the article and author. I believe from memory that the "film" is
>> actually going to be a series of reports on the (Australian) ABC's Foreign
>> Correspondent on Bougainville. But there may be more out of it. I don't
>> know.
>> Bruce.
>Thanks Bruce, I'm interested to find out.
>Just a guess, but is the ABC correspondent Sean Dawney. A series of
>reports 'on' him would be good. Better yet, a ton of bricks dropped from
>a great hight would be better.

No it wasn't Dawney, whose stuff I've read here in "The Age." It was an
independent guy, who seems to have been solicited by The Age to write the
article. I'm pretty sure it was from The Age of Sat March 1, but I haven't
had time yet to chase it up in the library. I'll forward a copy when I find


ps. Even one "surgical" brick from a great height.

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