File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1997/97-03-23.192, message 36

Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 12:53:19 -0800 (PST)
Subject: two more Albania notes (fwd)

these are recent messages on a class struggle anarchist e-mail list I 
thought people might be interested in... --Chris p.s. if anyone has an 
English translation of Steve's recent Italian post on Albania I'd be 

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 16:31:52 -0800
From: Dave Neal <>

This caught my eye in the latest Yahoo Reuters tidbit. . .

>One Pentagon spokesman said an SA7 shoulder-launched missile was fired 
at a
>Marine Cobra helicopter earlier on Friday and all helicopters involved in
the >operation returned to their ships. Another Cobra came under small arms
fire and >returned the fire, he said.

Okay, the way they cover it, it makes it *seem* that these helicopters were
involved in the airlift -- HOWEVER, the Huey Cobra is a two-man attack
helicopter -- a gunship, in other words. You can't airlift anybody with a
Cobra, but you can certainly shoot the hell out of people with it.

So the claim that *airlifting* helicopters were attacked is bogus.

At best, the *escorting* helicopters were attacked. The question is whether
this was done without provocation, or if the Cobras were firing on people.


Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 06:00:03 +0000
From: Reko Ravela <>

Yesterday at Finnish news there was mention that in Tirana armed
workers are guarding their workplaces. This was portrayed as part of
the efforts to "restore order", but I doubt that workers may have
different concept of order they want to defend than government.
Anyway, armed workers occupying workplaces sounds pretty good to
New Albanian government scheme where they hired new police on
wages which are astronomical in Albania (something like 70$ a day)
seems more like hiring criminal gangs to control people, than as effort to
fight criminal gangs as it was advertised. Reports that they have
gone around shooting in the air seems to support this. If they would
really try to restore order they should stop this stupid habit which
has killed lots of people in last days and created general chaos.
 Kapinatyoelaeisen kotisivut:

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