File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1997/97-03-23.192, message 44

Date:          Tue, 18 Mar 1997 08:12:55 GMT + 2:00
Subject:       Re: search for autonomist literature


> > I would like to get the Autonomia issue of Semiotext(e), 1980.
> I've had a hunt round and found two spare copies of this issue of
> semiotexte. If you still want it Jan let me know.
> Equally if anyone wants the other one please get in touch.
> I also found half a dozen copies of 'Politics in the First Person' a
> pamphlet produced by rising free in 1981 which reprints a couple of
> articles about the Italian autonomist movement.
> [The Autonous Workers Movement in Italy by Wicked Messengers (1974)
> and Revolution and Counter Revolution in Italy by Claudio Albertani -
> originally published in Fifth Estate in 1978].
> If anyone wants one etc etc

YES! I would really like the other copy of the Semiotext(e) issue, 
plus a copy of "Politics in First Person". So, please, get in touch 
with me if there's any payment to arrange for posting (if you are 
going to send anything, please post it to my address at Sociology 
Department below). Looking forward for your reply. Thanks.

Hasta siempre


Franco Barchiesi
Sociology of Work Unit
Dept of Sociology
Private Bag 3
University of the Witwatersrand
PO Wits 2050
South Africa
Tel. (++27 11) 716.3290
Fax  (++27 11) 716.3781

98 6th Avenue
Melville 2092
South Africa
Tel. (++27 11) 482.5011

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