File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1997/97-03-23.192, message 48

Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 16:15:20 +0100
Subject: Re: search for autonomist literature

>On Thu, 13 Mar 1997 17:01:16 +0100, Jan wrote:
>> I would like to get the Autonomia issue of Semiotext(e), 1980.
>I've had a hunt round and found two spare copies of this issue of
>semiotexte. If you still want it Jan let me know.
>Equally if anyone wants the other one please get in touch.


Jan Sjunnesson
Linnégatan 18
S-753 32 Uppsala, SWEDEN
(+46)- 018-12 66 24
fax - " -

>I also found half a dozen copies of 'Politics in the First Person' a
>pamphlet produced by rising free in 1981 which reprints a couple of
>articles about the Italian autonomist movement.
>[The Autonous Workers Movement in Italy by Wicked Messengers (1974)
>and Revolution and Counter Revolution in Italy by Claudio Albertani -
>originally published in Fifth Estate in 1978].
>If anyone wants one etc etc

sure !
>Though I guess its a bit off topic for this list theres something I'm
>trying to get hold of if anyone has it. The first english translation
>of "On Organisation" by Jacques Camatte/Gianni Collu (published by the
>Beni Memorial Library) contained  a translation of Collu's article
>"Transition". I want a photocopy of that particular version (I have
>both the other translations). If anyone can oblige I'd be very

how much do you want for  postage ? I can only send you the nice green
ones, but kepp in touch before March 31 when my band benfints is
closed/Your fells comrade in arms, JAN

Jan Sjunnesson
Linnégatan 18
S-753 32 Uppsala
(+46)- 018-12 66 24
fax - " -


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