Subject: Re: search for autonomist literature Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 10:36:21 -0800 (PST) Dave: If you still have any copies left, I'd love to get "The Autonomous Workers' Movement in Italy" and "Revolution and Counter-Revolution". I belive Jan and Franco have requested the Semiotext(e) 1980, so I'll get a copy from Austin through inter-library loans. But do let me know what you want for postage etc for the other two pieces, and I'll send it off to you ASAP. My mailing address is: Brian Green 2559 E 4th Ave Vancouver, BC V5M 1K2 Canada Thanks! Solidaity, Brian > > On Thu, 13 Mar 1997 17:01:16 +0100, Jan wrote: > > > I would like to get the Autonomia issue of Semiotext(e), 1980. > > I've had a hunt round and found two spare copies of this issue of > semiotexte. If you still want it Jan let me know. > Equally if anyone wants the other one please get in touch. > > I also found half a dozen copies of 'Politics in the First Person' a > pamphlet produced by rising free in 1981 which reprints a couple of > articles about the Italian autonomist movement. > [The Autonous Workers Movement in Italy by Wicked Messengers (1974) > and Revolution and Counter Revolution in Italy by Claudio Albertani - > originally published in Fifth Estate in 1978]. > If anyone wants one etc etc > > Though I guess its a bit off topic for this list theres something I'm > trying to get hold of if anyone has it. The first english translation > of "On Organisation" by Jacques Camatte/Gianni Collu (published by the > Beni Memorial Library) contained a translation of Collu's article > "Transition". I want a photocopy of that particular version (I have > both the other translations). If anyone can oblige I'd be very > grateful. > > dave > > > --- from list --- > -- Brian Green Dept. of Spanish and Latin American Studies Simon Fraser University Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 Canada ------------ E-Mail: --- from list ---
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